GKIDS, the acclaimed distributor of animation for both adult and family audiences, announced that it has entered into a distribution agreement for all North American rights to the upcoming animated feature, THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS following the film’s premiere screening at the Cannes Film Festival. The film has already been announced to appear in competition at the Annecy International Animation Festival in June. The film is an adult fairytale based on a story by the Brothers Grimm.
Eric Beckman (President and CEO) said, “Dave [SVP of Distribution] and I were both blown away. The film has an utterly transporting beauty and poetry, while the story unfolds with the powerful dream logic of a fairytale, taking you into the darker, deeper, primal origins and emotional core of the Grimm’s tales. With magic and cruelty, sublime beauty and tenderness, THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS is at once timeless and unlike anything you have seen before, a stunning example of the potential of the medium of animation as a powerful cinematic art form for adult moviegoers.”
THE GIRL WITHOUT HANDS is written and directed by Sébastien Laudenbach, adapted from the Brothers Grimm fairytale and produced by Les Films Sauvages. In hard times, a miller sells his daughter to the Devil. Protected by her purity, she escapes from the Devil who, in revenge, deprives her of her hands.